Location Bali

The%20Ultimate%20Bali%20Itinerary:%2010%20Days%20For%20All%20The%20Must-VisitsThe Ultimate Bali Itinerary: 10 Days For All The Must-Visits

The Ultimate Bali Itinerary: 10 Days For All The Must-Visits

Location: , 16 min read

it’s time for most visitors main attraction: Bali. Read on to find my ideal Bali Itinerary for 10 days. Why only 10 days? Well, because I want to encourage you to visit the other islands such as Java, Lombok, and Flores as well!


What%20to%20Pack%20for%20a%20Surfing%20TripWhat to Pack for a Surfing Trip

What to Pack for a Surfing Trip

Location: 3 min read

I spent most of my time in Bali surfing. For about a week, my time at Solid Surf House was divided between two yoga sessions and six hours of surfing every day. It felt great to be so physically active. The combination of surfing and yoga trained my entire body (more than I ever expected) and even though I enjoyed spending the entire day in the water, it was also pretty exhausting. I had to make sure I took good care of my body so I would have the energy to get up on my board. I got plenty of sleep, ate good food and always took a beach bag with me filled with my essentials.
