Location Thakhek

Thakhek%20Loop%20and%20Pakse%20Loop:%20The%20Most%20Complete%20Guide%20to%20Laos’%20Motorcycle%20Loops%20with%20Itinerary%20(Updated%202019)Thakhek Loop and Pakse Loop: The Most Complete Guide to Laos’ Motorcycle Loops with Itinerary (Updated 2019)

Thakhek Loop and Pakse Loop: The Most Complete Guide to Laos’ Motorcycle Loops with Itinerary (Updated 2019)

Location: , , 23 min read

The wind is blowing in your neck, your favorite road trip tunes are blasting in your ear and you pass one rice paddy after the other. You’re in the midst of a motorcycle loop somewhere in the countryside of Laos. Giving your bike that extra bit of speed, you realize these Asian bikes do not have any speed limitations. So you have a little fun…70, 80, 90 km’s an hour, oops that might have been a bit too much. Every now and again a beaten old truck passes you, honking because you’re one of the few tourists coming this way. Same goes for the kids living in the local villages, running to the side of the road and waving wildly. Waving back at them, you try to keep the bike straight. Why did they put the throttle on the right side of the steering wheel? That doesn’t matter though because you’re on one of the greatest motorcycle loops in Laos.
