Tag Archives asia

9%20Tv-Shows%20and%20Movies%20That%20Will%20Inspire%20You%20to%20Travel9 Tv-Shows and Movies That Will Inspire You to Travel

9 Tv-Shows and Movies That Will Inspire You to Travel

6 min read

In the years before I started traveling I often got lost in a dreamworld of my favorite tv-shows or movies that would take me away to far away places. Fiction shows or documentaries that show certain locations always got me hooked. Even to this day, in which I have found myself in my own fantasy, I look to these shows to inspire even more travel. I love using them as inspiration for where I want to go in the world, what I need to eat in a new location or just to reconfirm why this travel thing is all worth it. So now, here is my list of tv-shows and movies that inspire you to travel


How%20to%20Find%20an%20Amazing%20Hostel%20while%20TravelingHow to Find an Amazing Hostel while Traveling

How to Find an Amazing Hostel while Traveling

8 min read

The best way to meet people all over the world is hands down by staying in hostels. For some of you, sleeping in a room with several strangers might not seem like the most appealing thing in the world. I don’t even feel like it sometimes. However there are a lot of benefits and there are a lot of good hostels! Hostels that give you privacy, have clean and lovely bathrooms, plenty of space to put your gear and with a new group of friends within reach. How to find an amazing hostel while traveling is not too difficult, you just have to use your common sense, read reviews and use below pointers. During my South East Asian travels, I spent most of my time in hostels. In Australia I have interchanged hostels with Couchsurfing and staying with friends. This however allowed me to figure out what is really important and what gives hostels that something extra. For those who haven’t travelled as much, or those who don’t really know what to look for, this article is for you!


20%20Tips%20for%20Eating%20Street%20Food%20in%20Asia%20Without%20Getting%20Sick20 Tips for Eating Street Food in Asia Without Getting Sick

20 Tips for Eating Street Food in Asia Without Getting Sick

7 min read

While going for Thai food yesterday, my friends and I were reminiscing on what we miss in Asia. The organized chaos, the diversity, the smiles and most importantly, the street food! I still remember my first visit to a street food market in Thailand like it was yesterday. It is overwhelming and hectic, but is there anything better than sitting down on one of those plastic stools and enjoying this amazing street food that is both delicious and super cheap? I knew immediately this was going to be my next blog post. Especially after seeing this photo this morning of my personal hero Anthony Bourdain and the American president in a little Hanoi street food diner. Hey, if it’s good enough for the president, it’s good enough for you. Not everyone is as excited about street food as I am, it can be quite scary when you arrive in Asia and it seems like everyone is making something on the corner of the street. Which food is safe and isn’t going to sentence you to the loo for most of the evening (food poisoning is violent!). Which food will taste the best? What if all the street stalls are making more of the same? What does it even say on the menu? How do I figure out how much it costs? The best pad thai I’ve had? On a corner in Koh tao. The best and most deliciously soft squid? On a beach in Cambodia. Tom yum goon I will always remember? Next to the road on the motorbike loop of Pakse, Laos. Eating so much we lost ability to walk? Definitely all around Malaysia! There is nothing that breaks my heart more than hearing somebody went to Singapore, where eating is the national hobby, and was afraid to eat in the hawker stalls. Therefore, I wanted to give you my 20 tips for eating street food in Asia without getting sick. I’ve tried and tested all of them and hope they will help you scope out your awesome next meal:


Great Road Trip Ideas

2 min read

I’ve always had a deep love for road trips. Having traveled by land for most of my time in Australia, this affection for long hours of driving, listening to great tunes or podcasts for ever and not knowing where you will end up has only grown. Australia, however, is not the only country to do amazing an inspiring road trips. I’ve been longing for a long time to drive across America, eat my way through Italy or take a motorcycle through Vietnam and Laos. With so many places to go, here is a very incomplete list of European, Australian and South-East Asian road trip ideas for you:


How%20to%20Save%20Money%20For%20TravelHow to Save Money For Travel

How to Save Money For Travel

7 min read

One of the first questions that pops up in almost everyone’s head when you want to travel it how to get the finances together. I know that was a major issue in my case and also the reason I started saving for a year before I wanted to take off. I’ll just come out and say it, I kind of suck at saving money. Even though this is not my best quality, I was still able to save quite a bit of money by applying a few simple rules. So now, without further ado, here are my top tips to save money for travel!


Little%20Blue%20Riding%20HoodLittle Blue Riding Hood

Little Blue Riding Hood

2 min read

If there is one piece of clothing I’ve been very happy to have in my backpack (aka suitcase) and an item you should include in your packing list as well, it is a raincoat. Yes of course, you need your bikini, shorts, etc. while traveling, but something a lot of people seem to forget is a raincoat. Why? probably because they’re going to warm countries such as Laos, Vietnam, India or Australia. Guess where I have used my raincoat? Laos, Vietnam, India and Australia. All these countries, known for their high temperatures, have spots with a lower average temperature or might be going through a wet season during your visit.
