New Zealand

The%20best%20town%20to%20spot%20wildlife%20in%20New%20Zealand:%20KaikouraThe best town to spot wildlife in New Zealand: Kaikoura
The%20best%20town%20to%20spot%20wildlife%20in%20New%20Zealand:%20KaikouraThe best town to spot wildlife in New Zealand: Kaikoura

The best town to spot wildlife in New Zealand: Kaikoura

Location: , 7 min read

When it comes to traveling, seeing wildlife will always be one of the biggest highlights for me. In New Zealand, the native wildlife consists mostly out of birds so if you want to get a bigger wildlife fix, your best bet is to head to the ocean. The cold waters that surround New Zealand are known for its abundance of marine life, amongst others Fur seals, Sperm whales, Blue whales, Killer whales and tons of dolphins. Almost every bay even has its own variety of dolphins that look and behave completely different. In search of seeing some beautiful animals, I headed to the wildlife heaven called Kaikoura on the South Island of New Zealand.


A%20Quick%20Guide%20to%20Franz%20Josef%20and%20Fox%20GlacierA Quick Guide to Franz Josef and Fox Glacier

A Quick Guide to Franz Josef and Fox Glacier

Location: , 6 min read

Franz Josef was on the bucket list for New Zealand from the second I knew I was going to this amazing country. A land where the ocean meets the mountains and the sunsets are mind-blowing? Where do I sign up?! The west coast of New Zealand is a unique place in the world. The views are so breathtaking that legends say people were too busy looking around that they were getting too lazy. So the gods introduced sandflies. Pesky tiny flies that harass you for a good portion of the day and will make sure that you’re not lazing around on the gorgeous west coast beaches. Don’t let them stop you from visiting the coast though as it has so much going for it. The West Coast Tourism Board was kind enough to invite us (thanks to the excellent organization skills of my friend Lieselot) to their little part of the country so we could explore it to the fullest. Here is my quick guide to Franz Josef and Fox Glacier.


My%20New%20Zealand%20Top%205%20bucket%20listMy New Zealand Top 5 bucket list

My New Zealand Top 5 bucket list

Location: 4 min read

So much has happened since my last post! First of all, I’m on the other side of the world. I’m actually in one of the furthest places I can make it to from Belgium, Christchurch. It took three flights to get here.
