Tag Archives villes-sur-auzon

How%20to%20Taste%20Wine%20Like%20A%20ProHow to Taste Wine Like A Pro

How to Taste Wine Like A Pro

Location: , 4 min read

As I told you yesterday, my trip to the south of France was all about wine. They say that a wine grower doesn’t grow grapes, he grows wine. So what’s so special about growing wine you ask? When visiting the area it becomes very clear that wine making really is a labor of love. It takes a big investment of money and especially time. For example, it takes a farmer several years before he can even make living out of it’s new plants, they have to wait approximately 4 years for the vines to be strong enough. In some winemaking cooperatives (where farmers join forces to produce the wine) they even have to wait until the wine that is delivered gets sold to the end customer. They often say that one plants its vineyards not for himself but for his grandchildren.


Du%20Vin,%20du%20Plaisir%20et%20Le%20Mont%20VentouxDu Vin, du Plaisir et Le Mont Ventoux

Du Vin, du Plaisir et Le Mont Ventoux

Location: , 2 min read

The word ‘vin’ sounds so much better than the English version ‘wine’ no? For those who don’t speak French, I will be writing about French wine, fun and a little bit of the Mont Ventoux. Like most of us, I don’t ‘know’ wine but I love to drink wine. When AToutFrance invited me to learn more about wine I almost immediately packed my bags and left to the South of France. I’ve been in France more times than I can count but apart from one visit to Bonnieux and Aix-en-Provence, the actual south is still a bit of a blind spot to me and specifically the area of the Rhône valley was a first for me. So with a key to a beautiful car in my hands, a dodgy GPS (that died halfway down my trip) and a very happy mood I took off. During the next couple of days I slept at beautiful B&B’s (or chambre d’hotes in French), met a wine grower in every little village I visited, drank -oh I mean tasted- delicious wines and eat great food.
