Aaah new year’s resolutions, in 2014 you were probably going to eat healthier, drink less, exercise more, etc. I feel ya! Feeling a bit unhealthy and sluggish during the past few months myself, I made the exact same resolutions. It’s the beginning of Februari and mine haven’t gone so well. I wanted to write this post to reboot those resolution because I’m also giving something away! Found out what at the bottom of the page.
Recently I’ve intrigued by the benefits of juice cleanses and green smoothies. A little hesitant about the whole green juices thing, I introduced myself to the wonder vegetable Kale while in New York (Whole Foods equals heaven) and have eaten it regularly since, it’s actually tasty! But reading and believing are two different things. Before I jumped on the juice-cleanse bandwagon I wanted to talk to an expert. So I decided to pick the brain of Diana Delgado, founder of cold-pressed juice company Jus Jus. As the first cold-pressed raw juicer in Belgium (in New York and California it’s widely available) I wanted to ask her about getting healthier in 2014 and what the detox fuss is all about.
First of all, whats the difference between juices and smoothies and what’s so special about cold-pressed juice?
“The big difference between a smoothie and a juice is that a smoothie still contains all of the fiber of the vegetables and fruit while the juices don’t. Not having to process this fiber gives your digestive system a break. I would recommend a balance between smoothies and juices because you need fiber as well. But both should always be fresh from at home or from a juices like Jus Jus. You shouldn’t buy the juices from the supermarket because they are just water and sugar and are not beneficial for you.
We only make cold-pressed juice because this type of juicer doesn’t release any heat. Heat kills most of the enzymes in your juices, which is the biggest difference between cold-pressed juice and pasteurized or heated juice that you can find in the supermarket. Non-pasteurized juice from a normal machine -not a cold press juicer- starts oxidizing quite fast. You can tell by the fact that the juice will separate and that means that the enzymes are dying. With our juices, that doesn’t happen. However, this means that you have to drink them within 3 to 4 days or you can freeze them. But the best way is still to drink them fresh.”
Why should people detox? And how many times a year should they do this?
“You notice that when you eat a lot, you can get very tired. This is because your body is working really hard to digest all that food. It takes away from your energy level. If you detox, you’re allowing that digestive system to take a break and your body to focus on other things. Detoxing can also help to break certain food-addictions like sugar. It resets your brain. Lots of people say that they’re going to eat a pizza after the detox but most of them don’t. Your body gets used to it and it gives you lots of energy. I do a couple of cleanses per year when I feel that it’s necessary but I also just use juices to replace a meal occasionally.”
// Making the “Oh My Greens” Juice //
What are your smoothie or juice essentials? And what are we making today?
“I’m a big fan of the green juices. Dark leafy vegetables are so good for you. For example, spinach and kale have a lot of plant protein and chlorophyll. It’s good for your heart, it lowers cholesterol and does so much more for your body. You can juice the greens, sauté them or make a salad, there are so many options. Next to that I also absolutely love ginger, beets and almond milk.
Today we’re making the “Oh My Greens” juice. It contains kale, celery, green apple, cucumber, spinach, ginger, parsley and lemon. We use a combination of vegetables and fruit in our juices because it is important to have a balance between them. In this way we’re avoiding too many natural sugars as well. If you were to only drink only fruit juices, it would raise your blood sugar too high. 2/3 vegetables and 1/3 fruit is very nice, but the more vegetables the better.”
// The vegetable and fruit pulp //
I’ve been reading a lot about the bad effect of gluten and dairy in your diet. Should we stop eating it?
“I don’t eat dairy and I don’t miss is. I’ve always been very aware of healthy eating habits and exercise because my father passed away at a really young age with diabetes and a heart condition, which had a big impact on me. I first became a vegetarian and recently switched to a vegan diet. I also never drink soda because that is so bad for you. Because my body also doesn’t digest certain combinations well I am really careful of what I put in my mouth. I also just love eating things like salads, grains, chickpeas and sauteed spinach.
I also don’t eat gluten (for example in white bread or rice) because it causes inflammation and causes your body to oxidize. Avoiding gluten often makes you feel lighter. But I do cheat every one and a while because I love pasta and even a slice of pizza or a brownie. I don’t believe in following to many rules or being too strict. You still need to enjoy life!”
What’s your opinion on superfoods? Do you use them on a daily basis?
“Superfoods are great for you. We are starting to add spirulina, an algae, to our green juices. It’s a plant protein which means that it’s fantastic for people who don’t eat meat but it also helps with anti-aging and is claimed to fight cancer.
I also love using chlorella, maca powder and bee pollen. Maca powder helps with libido and your energy levels and will also be added to our juices. Bee pollen are great to help with allergies and it delicious on your muesli or even straight out of the spoon. To help with allergies, it is best however to find bee pollen that is sourced locally because then it helps with allergies of local plants and grasses.”
// Pressing the pulp into juice with the hydraulic press //
What would you advise us to help keep those health resolutions and maybe even lose a bit of weight in the process (if that’s your goal)?
“Starting with a cleanse is always a good idea to start the year off fresh. I like New Years resolutions but don’t change your routine completely. If you want to change too much at the same time, you’re setting yourself up for failure. Do something small like going to a yoga class, start running or drinking less soda.
I would also advise to incorporate more raw vegetables in your diet. Vegetables are best to eat in a raw state, it doesn’t kill the enzymes and makes them more digestible. If it’s not possible to eat certain vegetables raw, I would advise steaming. This cooks them gently and doesn’t kill all the goodness. “
Didi, thank you for your time!
// The leftover, a dry cookie of vegetable pulp //
Now time for the very first giveaway on this blog! Together with Jus Jus, I’m giving away a 1-day juice cleanse to one of our readers! This cleanse will include all the 6 juices that will get to going throughout the day and will be delivered to your doorstep with some helpful tips. You can even choose when you want to start. The 1-day cleanse is perfect for if you’ve never done a cleanse and want to see what it’s about. And as Jus Jus states, “you will feel revived and refreshed”.
Here are the rules:
1. Follow @RooftopAntics and @JusJus on Instagram
2. Go to the Rooftop Antics Facebookpage and answer a simple question
3. Leave a comment below
The competition will be closed on the 16th at midnight and is limited to Belgian readers. Good luck!