Tag Archives boat

What’s%20up%20with%20the%20Great%20Barrier%20ReefWhat’s up with the Great Barrier Reef

What’s up with the Great Barrier Reef

Location: , , 6 min read

The Great Barrier Reef is one of the wonders of the world. It’s reached the news quite a lot of over the last couple of years because of a few big bleaching events (where coral turns white and almost dies). There is so much to say about this amazing underwater world that I’ve decided to do a whole series on it! Today we’re going to explore what makes the reef so special. In the following articles, you are going to find out how to visit the Great Barrier Reef yourself and a review on the boats that I experienced plus tips on how to pick the best boat for you.


Eat,%20swim,%20chill,%20repeat.Eat, swim, chill, repeat.

Eat, swim, chill, repeat.

Location: , 3 min read

Oh Don Det, how you calmed me down. Despite the fact that Don Det is an island in Laos, that there are stray cats, dogs and water buffaloes, that it has roosters and even a monkey stuck in a cage (so sad), it reminds me of a place in France that I love to visit. What makes it similar is the vibe and the people. Everyone is laid back and there to enjoy life. But apart from the occasional French baguette with eggs for breakfast, Don Det is actually very different from my little French town, as you can imagine.


Hello%20From%20IndiaHello From India

Hello From India

Location: , 2 min read

Traveling on the ‘superfast’ train (hint: it’s not fast at all) from Kottayam to Kovalam I wanted to put a quick post online. India so far has been fascinating and beautiful. I should actually say Kerala has been fascinating and beautiful because the provinces of India are quite different from each other. Internet connection however has been difficult to find. I’ve been hoping for hotels with WiFi but that is not a given here (me, an internet addict?). Apart from my internet connection it has become quite clear that India takes control over a lot more. Time is one of the main things, India is going to decide what your life is going to look like. It’s no longer in your control, so lay back and enjoy.
