Tag Archives cochin

Hello%20From%20IndiaHello From India

Hello From India

Location: , 2 min read

Traveling on the ‘superfast’ train (hint: it’s not fast at all) from Kottayam to Kovalam I wanted to put a quick post online. India so far has been fascinating and beautiful. I should actually say Kerala has been fascinating and beautiful because the provinces of India are quite different from each other. Internet connection however has been difficult to find. I’ve been hoping for hotels with WiFi but that is not a given here (me, an internet addict?). Apart from my internet connection it has become quite clear that India takes control over a lot more. Time is one of the main things, India is going to decide what your life is going to look like. It’s no longer in your control, so lay back and enjoy.


India%20PlanningIndia Planning

India Planning

2 min read

Decisions have been made and we finally have a date upon which we are traveling to India. The reason that we are going? A Wedding! One of our friends is getting married in Calcutta on the 22nd of December and we are joining in on the festivities. Because India is such big country and we only have little over a week before the wedding, we had to be decisive on where to go. We chose to only visit one province because we wanted to see at least one part of the country more thoroughly rather than having to focus on getting from point A to point B.
