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9%20Tv-Shows%20and%20Movies%20That%20Will%20Inspire%20You%20to%20Travel9 Tv-Shows and Movies That Will Inspire You to Travel

9 Tv-Shows and Movies That Will Inspire You to Travel

6 min read

In the years before I started traveling I often got lost in a dreamworld of my favorite tv-shows or movies that would take me away to far away places. Fiction shows or documentaries that show certain locations always got me hooked. Even to this day, in which I have found myself in my own fantasy, I look to these shows to inspire even more travel. I love using them as inspiration for where I want to go in the world, what I need to eat in a new location or just to reconfirm why this travel thing is all worth it. So now, here is my list of tv-shows and movies that inspire you to travel


5%20Lessons%20Learned%20from%20Refinery%2029%20(and%20Beyoncé)5 Lessons Learned from Refinery 29 (and Beyoncé)

5 Lessons Learned from Refinery 29 (and Beyoncé)

5 min read

Refinery 29 is a great source of inspiration for the personal development and well everything else that’s lifestyle related. I personally love to check out the career orientated articles. Especially as the urge to develop a project of my own grows stronger and the need to travel is very present. The website keep me keen with interviews of strong independent women and with great angles. I’ve been tweeting articles on a regular basis and I wanted to share the 5 most remarkable lessons I’ve learned from Refinery 29 (and one by Beyoncé -obviously-).
