Tag Archives personal

The%20Puzzle%20Called%20LifeThe Puzzle Called Life

The Puzzle Called Life

2 min read

I’m turning 26 in a few days which marks the second quarter of a century. Getting older can seem a bit scary to me. It seems like there is a big divide within my peers…


10%20things%20you%20didn’t%20know%20about%20me%20//%20Marijs10 things you didn’t know about me // Marijs

10 things you didn’t know about me // Marijs

2 min read

1. I have been a vegetarian for 10 years. I started cooking for myself at the age of 13 and have been doing so ever since. Want to know the perfect pasta portion for one? 2. I rarely wear the same outfit during the day and evening. Even when I’m perfectly happy with my daytime outfit, I will always change something before heading out. It just doesn’t feel right to wear the exact same thing.
