Tag Archives italy

Where%20the%20heck%20am%20I?Where the heck am I?

Where the heck am I?

2 min read

Where are you right now? Which country did you just see again? These are questions I get quite a lot and it doesn’t surprise me as I do tend to fall off the planet every now and again. I was a bit shocked to discover how long it had been since my last blog post. How did that even happen? I guess I was too busy traveling, A LOT. Sharing images of my travels through Instagram seems so much easier when you’re spending not more than two or three nights at the same location. Time for a personal update!


Great Road Trip Ideas

2 min read

I’ve always had a deep love for road trips. Having traveled by land for most of my time in Australia, this affection for long hours of driving, listening to great tunes or podcasts for ever and not knowing where you will end up has only grown. Australia, however, is not the only country to do amazing an inspiring road trips. I’ve been longing for a long time to drive across America, eat my way through Italy or take a motorcycle through Vietnam and Laos. With so many places to go, here is a very incomplete list of European, Australian and South-East Asian road trip ideas for you:
