Tag Archives Antwerp

A%20Perfect%20Weekend%20in%20AntwerpA Perfect Weekend in Antwerp

A Perfect Weekend in Antwerp

Location: , 11 min read

There is one Belgian city that holds a special spot in my heart, Antwerp. It is the Fashion and Diamond capital of Belgium and it is such an awesome city. Antwerp is all about fashion, hip new coffee bars and has an excellent nightlife. Having lived here for five years, I’ve spent many perfect weekends here between my 9 to 5. Therefore it’s the ideal city to spend a weekend away from home. The best time to visit most European cities is in the summer time and this is no different for Antwerp. With pop-up concepts spread all across the city and plenty of greenery, the city is lively, exciting and relaxing all at once. With Belgian’s national holiday coming up on the 21st of July, I decided to create my perfect weekend in Antwerp. It was so difficult to pick and choose as there is so much more to experience. This weekend is pretty perfect as it is, but I do think you should come back one day and do the rest. I hope you enjoy it!


Where%20the%20heck%20am%20I?Where the heck am I?

Where the heck am I?

2 min read

Where are you right now? Which country did you just see again? These are questions I get quite a lot and it doesn’t surprise me as I do tend to fall off the planet every now and again. I was a bit shocked to discover how long it had been since my last blog post. How did that even happen? I guess I was too busy traveling, A LOT. Sharing images of my travels through Instagram seems so much easier when you’re spending not more than two or three nights at the same location. Time for a personal update!


Vietnam%20Meets%20AntwerpVietnam Meets Antwerp

Vietnam Meets Antwerp

2 min read

Most of the time, the favorite pieces of my wardrobe are pieces I picked up from abroad. This blog post is a beautiful example of Vietnam meets Antwerp. This kimono is another one the pieces I had made in Hoi An and I am in love with it. As you can read in my post of the time, I wanted a powder pink blazer and a long kimono, but I just decided to combine the two instead of making separates. The fabrics for kimonos were not right and the fit for the blazers were not modern enough. That being said, it is not the easiest piece to combine. Might be because it has the tendency to look like a giant powder pink bathrobe. But as it is a powder pink kimono, all combinations are possible. For this day I went for ripped denim to counterbalance the soft color of the kimono.


Back%20In%20The%20CityBack In The City

Back In The City

1 min read

I can hardly believe it but I’m back in the city of Antwerp. For a week already! It has been busy, very busy. I ran from one press office to the other, saw all my blogger friends again, reunited with another precious group of friends at the most emotional wedding I’ve been to so far (it was soooo beautiful) and I’ve moved into the beautiful Antwerp apartment of one of my generous friends. Meanwhile I’ve had the worst cold and have finally overcome the battle with jetlag. These photos were taken during the Antwerp press days. It’s another basic outfit but I do like the contrast between the mint green coat and the leather bikerjacket underneath. These jeans were also one of the first items I collected from the boxes when I got back home.


Pressday%20with%20WeekdayPressday with Weekday

Pressday with Weekday

1 min read

During our Antwerp pressday marathon I decided to wear one of my favorite outfits. Predictably it consists out of my completely worn out Steve Madden boots and customized ripped denim combined with my brand new WEEKDAY top and this amazing Selected Femme Becca Wrap coat. While spending the week in Amsterdam a little while back I couldn’t miss out on paying a visit to the WEEKDAY store. With pieces from other brands such as Cheap Monday, Whyred, Rodebjer and their own brand, the store is an ideal mix between expensive and very affordable pieces. If you’re around, put it on your to-do list. Back to the coat, it has been hanging in my closet waiting for colder weather and since the temperature has dropped it hasn’t come off. It literally goes with any outfit as it perfectly cinches in my waist.


The%20Perfect%20PerfectoThe Perfect Perfecto

The Perfect Perfecto

2 min read

For years and years I have been on the look-out for the perfect perfecto. You see the search for this precious item can be very difficult. You want butter-soft leather and a fit that compliments your body type and is unbound by seasons. This is the jacket that it supposed to age with you and grow more beautiful as the years go on. It is the jacket that is all you need in the between seasons of fall and spring but can also help you through the winter with a beautiful sleeveless knit over the top.
