Tag Archives Belgium

Take A Microadventure to Dinant

Location: , 3 min read

When my Sunday afternoon plans fell through, I looked at one of my best mates and we decided to jump in the car and take a microadventure to Dinant. The term microadventure was first invented/claimed by adventurer Alastair Humphreys and can be defined as a “short, simple, local, cheap adventure”. It means that you can jump in the car or on the train and you don’t have to spend half a fortune on a plane ticket across the world. For me, these micro adventures are a way of life. There is nothing I love to do more than to inject a little bit of adventure into daily life. That is certainly the reason I love traveling so much. Every day is an adventure!


Where%20the%20heck%20am%20I?Where the heck am I?

Where the heck am I?

2 min read

Where are you right now? Which country did you just see again? These are questions I get quite a lot and it doesn’t surprise me as I do tend to fall off the planet every now and again. I was a bit shocked to discover how long it had been since my last blog post. How did that even happen? I guess I was too busy traveling, A LOT. Sharing images of my travels through Instagram seems so much easier when you’re spending not more than two or three nights at the same location. Time for a personal update!


Three%20Green%20Antwerp%20GetawaysThree Green Antwerp Getaways

Three Green Antwerp Getaways

Location: , 2 min read

As you all know I love living in Antwerp. If there is one thing that I feel Antwerp is a bit short on, it is greenery. The urban life is a pretty amazing one but I do need some nature once and a while. If you’re looking for that in Antwerp, you can head out to Park Spoor Noord or Middelheim Park, both a bike ride away from the center. Greenery in the city itself, like you can find in cities such as Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Paris and New York, is missing. I usually head out to watch the Schelde if I need a hit of nature. Sitting on the concrete banks of the river you sometimes wish that the concrete would make way for more green. I’m happy not to be alone in this search for green and love the summer options in green Antwerp getaways. These three getaways in particular are worth a visit.
